
Bot of legends lee sin
Bot of legends lee sin

She has good damage, as well as a fast attack speed. But if you shoot in the right trajectory or play with beginners who aren’t yet as agile, you can easily play for Ash. The only problem is that you can dodge the absolute skill. AshĪsh isn’t the easiest champion, but you won’t have any difficulty with her. You do not need to farm, which allows you to focus on the enemy. The role of the support is one of the easiest in the game. This makes it easier to learn as a champion. Braum is easy to control, and his skills are easy to understand. This is where you need to look at your allied shooter’s actions. Braum can play with aggression or caution. He has great defensive skills, is an excellent tank, and can kill enemies. You will be thrown into battles with newcomers, so for them, Braum is great support. Yes, experienced players will quickly dispose of Braum. In LoL events, this character also often takes part. This is a good champion because she is easy to learn to play, even for beginners. Annie has the whole thing in absolute skill because she summons her bear, which deals a lot of damage. Annie has a defensive skill that boosts her speed a bit.

bot of legends lee sin

With the Q skill, you can kill minions faster without wasting mana. Annie’s skills are pretty good, and it’s not hard to use them at all. She has good damage and can easily farm minions. Overall, this is a great champion that cleans the woods quickly and can go gung-ho as early as level three. In addition to his attacking skills, Warwick has a defensive skill that helps him survive. You need to run and kill the enemy before he kills you. Warwick can play aggression perfectly, and rightly so. Warwick is perfect for a beginner because, with such simple mechanics, he is a really strong champion. He has great damage and basically good survivability. It’s a mobile champion, especially when catching up with the enemy. WarwickĪ great hero for newcomers might be Warwick. Garen is an excellent counter-pick to Darius, and few can beat him.

bot of legends lee sin

Garen is almost impossible to kill, as he immediately turns on his sword spinning skill and combines it with his acceleration skill, then quickly escapes. Garen constantly regenerates his health through his passive ability, and the skills are balanced. Therefore, skills can be used as soon as they are recharged.


A huge plus for beginners is that Garen has no mana or energy. The champion has high damage, is an excellent tank, and can quickly run away from attacks.

Bot of legends lee sin